Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Cleaning

This week I have been trying to get a little spring cleaning done. You know things that only get done once or twice a year - like cleaning blinds, organizing the pantry, detoxing the fridge, etc. I was cleaning out our pantry and I found this:

I know you may be thinking that this has to do with my children's snacking habits, but not this time. There are about 10 pieces of pasta left in this package and I know that I am the one who left them there. Why? Why would I leave just a few pieces of pasta in the package instead of putting them all into whatever I was making? I tend to do this a lot and I don't know why. There will be a little bit of ketchup in the bottle and I will put it back in the fridge because there is just enough for one more hot dog. I will milk every last bit of toothpaste out of the tube before opening a new one. I will transfer the itty bit of hairspray left in the bottle that the sprayer can't reach into a new bottle so it doesn't go to waste. I know this drives my husband crazy. "Just throw it away!", he says. But what he doesn't understand is that "Waste not, want not." has been cemented in my brain and is most likely part of my DNA. I must confess to another weird compulsion. I absolutely cannot run the dishwasher unless it is completely full. If it is close to being full but not quite, I will scoure the house looking for any dishes that can be put in. I will search under couches for sour sippy cups. I will check the bedroom nightstand for the remnants of a midnight snack. I have even risked waking a sleeping baby to check her room for cups. Crazy I know, but it just doesn't seem right to not have it be full. Of course my husband has no problem running it no matter how few dishes are in it. And if you can believe it, he will start a load of wash with like 4 items in it. Come on- with 6 people living in our house you know there are always enough clothes to make a full load. It honestly almost feels like blasphemy to me!


Anonymous said...

This is religion to me. Thank you to our beloved father. We love you dad!!!

Romi said...

I do ALL those things too!! I felt like I was reading my journal. :P

Kerry said...

I have those same "issues", as Aaron would probably describe them. He's like Eric. :)

Thelissa said...

You make me laugh. I can't imagine that you have all that many sour sippy cups to search for though. I'm sure your home is spotless all of the time!

Natalie said...

A chip off the ol "are the lights all turned off?" block! :) I also have to get every bit of peanut butter out of the jar, I will resort to using my longest finger to reach the very bottom....Yes we do love you Dad and its because of you and your DNA that we get "envelops."

Julie said...

We are the opposite here...if you only leave a little cereal in the bottom of the box, its rude cuz its not quite enough for a whole bowl of cereal. I know the pasta in that bag is not enough for even a bowl of pasta.

youreprettytoo said...

Julie-Exactly- so why do I feel the need to save it?!?

Kate said...

Okay, this is a comment about your music. You totally crack me up. This music is crazy on here!! so funny!!

Emmie-Lew said...

Hilarious. I used to be the same way, until I realized that I HATE emptying a chuck full dishwasher. Now I run it whenever I do the dishes (which isn't as frequently as I probably should...don't tell...) and now I don't dread emptying it as much.
I DO try and get the last bit out of items, though. There's nothing quite as satisfying as getting the very last drop of shampoo, dish soap, whatever...out!
I love reading your blog!

Amber said...

You are amazing! I'm glad to hear you have some strange quirks like the rest of us. It means you are normal :)