Sunday, April 6, 2008

Order out of chaos

This past week I had a few days where I wasn't feeling so well, so my mom felt sorry for me and came over to help. She even helped with my spring cleaning and detoxed the fridge. I have mentioned this before, but my mom is honestly amazing when it comes to cleaning. My sister and I talk about this often because when she comes over to watch our children she will frequently have the house all spic and span by the time we get home. It is usually more sparkly clean than I seem to be able to make it. (And this has rubbed off on my dad as well. When he watches our kids, he will also do the dishes or straighten up. Impressive!) Anyway my sister and I have discussed whether my mom can make the house so clean because she doesn't have other things to think about while at our houses -like what to get at the store or what her next post will be on her blog- or if this is truly one of her talents. I believe it is the latter. When I watch her clean, I am in awe at what she accomplishes. She really should teach classes. Even as a child, I don't remember our house being dirty or even cluttered which is quite a feat with 5 kids in 10 years.
A few months ago I was talking with a dear friend who I have known since I was 6 years old, so she grew up around my family. She has wonderful, warm memories of being in my home when she was child. She remembered things that I couldn't even recall. Many of these things were centered around something my mom had done to recognize each of us kids. Things like us all being members of the "Smarty Pants Club" when we got good report cards and having a special dinner to celebrate this. Or whenever we had been away for awhile, there would always be a sign on the garage welcoming us home. Or getting the "Sunshine Room Award" to hang on our doorknob when our room was the cleaniest, which I must admit I got alot! I could go on and on about all the things my mom did for us to make us feel special, but the point I want to make is that as I have become an adult I have realized that not everyone had a mom who did these things for them. Now my mom wasn't perfect, and I know there are many ways to nurture a child and every mom does it differently. But I am so grateful that my mom chose to nurture us in ways that were true to her. I haven't truly come to appreciate the healthy childhood my mom- and dad created for me until recently. Being a mom now, I have come to the conclusion that one of the jobs that a mom has is to create order out of chaos for their children. And unfortunately there is a lot of chaos out in the world. I am constantly trying to do this for my children and I still rely on my mom to do this for me. My mom can especially do this with a messy house and she can do it with a messy heart. And that is a great blessing for me. My only hope is that I can do the same for my children. Because someone did it for me, I have the ability to do it for someone else. So thank you mom. I love you.

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my mom. It is at my college graduation. If you look closely you can see my dad in between our faces. It is like my dad is saying, "Look at me! I'm pretty too!"


amberjill said...

that was so cute! I think your mom did a good job with you, too! As I read it, the song For Good from Wicked was playing, and it just fit perfectly. I think I should go give my mom a big kiss now!

Julie said...

I love it! Sign me up for your moms class on cleaning and making your kids feel special. UGH!! I am not so good at those. Were you inspired to write this post from the talk by Elder Ballard? (Trent kept looking at me and smiling cuz I over schedule myself.) Anyway If you weren't then you are amazing and you should be a General Authority. Maybe the Next General Relief Society President. Sounds good on you!!

Natalie said...

Boo yeah for the shout out to Mom and Dad! I also have recently come to recognize one of Mom's strengths that has been passed down to me...her ability to find a song for any day of the week/holiday/any occasion/any random word that happens to be in a song. "I'm here with my Dad,...and he wants me to sing him a song..." I love you Mom!

Anonymous said...

If anyone is going to the Celestial Kingdom, it is my mother. **Sparkly clean** is definately a talent. I love you mom!!

Anonymous said...

p.s. I am lol about dad's face in between you... soooo funny:)

Thelissa said...

I admit tears came to my eyes while I read this. You do have a great mom. So do I. We got "job well done" cards when she found our beds made or rooms cleaned, etc. Then we saved up the cards we earned and traded them in for stuff. Love things like that. I really love the picture at the end. Your dad cracks me up!

Kelly T, that's me! said...

Kari, I love you. Thanks.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

so sweet, loved this post. . . and in case you don't check my "comments" for the answer, to do fun stuff with your photos, go to . . .I just upload their tweak on my pic. to my computer, then to my blog, rather than straight to my blog from their site. . otherwise, you have their name on your pic. xo, Sarah

Tamra said...

Will your mom babysit my kids too, I could use some help with house cleaning. She sounds amazing. Also I am stealing The Smarty Pants Club and Sunshine Room Award. Those are great ideas.

Trisha Jensen said...

Kari~ it was so good to see you in Utah. Paul and I treasure you and Eric and your beautiful family as some of our dearest friends. You are a wonderful sounds like you were taught well.:) I owe you a bag of apples. Come to Denver and we'll party!

Adventurous Housewife said...

You always have a way to write things that make me want to be a better mother. Right now I feel like I'm creating chaos. I need some of those classes J was talking about.

Kevin Pratt said...

I love those ideas, Kari. I will use them if i can remember them! I wish you were my neighbor. I love the comment about your dad at the end. Miss you. Chelsea