Monday, August 4, 2008

Why a 3 year old should never, ever have bubble gum.

The other morning I was making breakfast when I saw Katie coming up the stairs. Her hair looked quite different from when I put her to bed the night before. It almost looked like it had been curled, but as I got closer I realized there weren't any curls in her hair. It was gum- lots of bubble gum. And it was in several spots in her hair. I had put her to bed the night before and didn't remember her having any bubble gum in her mouth but I'm sure this isn't the first time she has slipped something past me and I can guarantee it won't be the last. But this is one of the blessings of having a blog- normally I would get upset by this kind of predicament, but instead I reach for my camera and think about what a great post it would be. So for any husbands out there who think blogging is a waste of time and are tired of their wives blog surfing- here is proof positive that blogging can be good for your family. It prevents child abuse! Here is the photo:

Isn't she adorable!?! The best part about this was the excuses she started coming up with about why the gum was stuck in her hair. The obvious first excuse was to blame it on Annie and she tried to. Then she was saying how stores shouldn't sell bubble gum. Well sure blame it on corporate America. But the best and most accurate was, "I shouldn't have bubble gum because I just do crazy things when I am three!" Amen, sister! I couldn't say it any better myself. Although I don't think it will deter her from wanting more gum sometime in the near future. After we got down to the bottom of who was responsible I googled getting gum out of hair and got a whole list of suggestions from using vinegar to peanut butter to olive oil to ice. I decided to try the olive oil and here's why. Just about everytime I google a problem,olive oil seems to be the answer. Case in point- a few weeks ago I was chopping a jalapeno and burned my hands from the seeds. I googled jalapeno burn and rubbing olive oil on them came up as the answer. I have read olive oil is a good furniture polish and the other day my mom heard that oilve oil is good to put in your hair to create a nice shine- although she did use a bit too much! So I think olive oil is going to my "Windex." If you have ever seen the movie "My Big, Fat Greek Wedding" you know what I am talking about. In case you haven't the father in that movie thinks "Windex" cures everything and even soaks his elbows in it to help with arthitis. My Grandma Sara had her own "windex"- but it was cranberry juice. She thought it cured everything and there was always a bottle in her fridge. Not to discredited her or anything, but she also thought that if you put a big bottle of water at the edge of your yard it kept the cats away. You can't help but love grandparents for these quirky things. But the older I get the more quirky I become. And the olive oil did get the gum out of Katie's hair without having to resort to scissors. So who knows maybe in 40 years I will be soaking my elbows in olive oil with a big bottle of cranberry juice in my fridge while my grandkids blog about how crazy their grandma is. I hope so!


Emmie-Lew said...

OH. MY. GOSH. KARI- I can't believe it. I would have FREAKED out. Holy Crap! I'm so glad that the olive oil worked- who knew? How long did it take? You poor thing- you sure have your hands full! It's a good thing she's so darling- she's a keeper!

youreprettytoo said...

I should have put this in the post but I had Katie sit in the tub with olive oil in her hair for about twenty minutes. Then we combed in out. It wasn't an easy process. It probably took another twenty minutes to comb it out- oh and a lot of screaming and crying by Katie.

Julie said...

I love that girl...did I tell you that. She is truly talented with hair, cuz I love the bubble du. You can also rub olive oil all over your body while you are losing lots of weight to prevent drupy baggy skin...I wish I had known about this the first time my boobs got big and then disapeared.

Andrea said...

I think I'm glad Sam actually eats his gum. It obviously could be worse. One time he ate a whole thing of bubble tape during a movie. We were waiting for him to blow a bubble out his bum. Should I be embarrased to say that, considering he's 8. Katie is a cutie. You always have something to post about her. I loved her hair with the gum. It's a great look. Maybe I'll try it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Missy, this just might be the funniest post you have done. I seriously think we could do the BIG FAT MORMON WEDDING. Grandma- so funny about the cats- and the best part is we're not making that up. She sounds like she's crazy- not the couselor in the primary general presidency. And Katie- you DO DO crazy things when you're 3- but I think it might be your whole life if you're Katie Christensen:) still laughing about it all:)

Thelissa said...

Seriously, I'm glad this post is on your blog instead of mine. This is oh so funny. The picture alone had me laughing.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I've always used peanut butter and it's almost harder to wash that out than live with the gum. I'm so glad to hear about olive oil. Although, after reading your response comment, maybe the PB is easier. . .smoosh in, wash out. NO combing. It just disolves the gum in a slimy mess.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

OK and one more thing, you are hilareous. And another thing . . .I'm really trying to train to run a half marathon and I mean it this time! So your friends saggy boobs, loose skin remedy will be remembered, as I loose all this weight, working out. Thanks Julie!

Jennifer Never said...

How come you get to have all the fun this summer?? Seriously?? What's wrong with my kids? I'm going to leave scissors and bubble gum lying around tomorrow on purpose!!

Kate said...

She actually looked pretty darn cute w/ gum in her hair, but I would have totally freaked out. Good to know olive oil worked! I'm sure I'll need it sometime in the near future with my gum chewing 4 year old.
I have to add my Dad's cure for everything....when ANYTHING is wrong, his pat answer is either....
Exercise or spraying salt water solution in your nose. So, for my pregnancy sickness it's execise, but if I get the flu, it's saline spray. He's so funny. He really thinks those two things can cure anything!