Sunday, January 27, 2008

Suzie -Q turns 1!

Here is my little Suzie-Q. This is a cute clip of her, but watching this is a lot like watching baseball. There is a lot of down-time for a little bit action. But be patient- I think it is worth it!

She turned one this past weekend and in honor of her birthday I am listing the top 10 things I love about Suzie.

1. She is a bald little Q-ball. Like Buddha statues, we rub her head for luck.

2. Her bedtime is 7pm and she sleeps until 7:30 am. It is heaven. Although I didn't factor this into the planning of her birthday party. I had it at 7pm. So she was the first to leave the party at 7:45pm!

3. She loves food and I mean loves it. I have to make more food for dinner now that she eats what we eat. And don't even think of taking away anything sweet she is eating. Hell hath no fury like a Suzie without her ice cream!

4. She loves music. I play the piano each week for the 1st grade and she goes with me. She sings and claps along. Everyone loves it.

5. She is very observant. Nothing gets past her- especially food-stuffs-refer back to #3. She is a little "detective-missy" in training.

6. She loves her siblings- well for the most part. Katie can get her all worked up, but lets' face it- who can't Katie get all worked up! Its a gift she has. But back to Suzie...

7. She is my little octupus. I remember a few years ago I got an email about how to prepare for having kids. It was the funniest email and now I wished I had saved it. Anyway it had suggestions like taking a cat and dog and buckling them in car seats and asking them to get along and also making sure you had separate treats for each of them, so they wouldn't fight. Another one said to get an octupus and try to dress it in 3 layers- a diaper, onesie and outfit. This fits Suzie perfectly. She squirms all over the place while I am trying to dress her. It is amazing how 4 appendages can suddenly seem like 8!

8. She is a blanket baby. I have never had a kid who needed a blankie to go to sleep, but she definitely does. You could give her any blanket or even a scrap of cloth... she has even done it with socks she finds lying around... and her thumb immediately goes in her mouth. She is the easiest baby I've had to put to sleep. Give her a blanket, lay her in her crib and that's it. Well she is a fourth child. I was due for some kind of "parental windfall" so to speak!

9. She is my little bottom feeder. Who needs a dog when you have Suzie. She crawls around eating bits of stale cracker, shriveled apple and dried cheese off the floor. Sometimes while I am sweeping she crawls over to my pile and searches through it for a little snack. Its almost like she is saying, "Oh, look my mother put all my snacks here together in a pile for me. How nice of her!" Oh, stop with the disgusted looks. Again she is a fourth child and I'm a recovering perfectionist. No one's been poisoned, yet!

10. She has this "stink-eye" face that I have yet to catch on camera. She does it so quickly that unless I have my camera in my hand at the time, it is gone by the time I think about getting it. In fact all my girls have done this face. They squintch up one eye and flare their nostrils. Suzie has added a lip curl to it. It is a very endearing quality, but I have found it is a little window into their future personality. And unfortunately I have been on the other side of that window with my other two girls and if you know my girls at all- it is crazy! Pray for me!

Happy Birthday Suzie! I love you!

One other quick story about the day- Finn was helping me with Suzie while I was cleaning the house. I asked him to change her diaper and get her dressed. I called out to him, "Put something cute on her for her birthday." He replied, with a sly little smile, "Like her birthday suit." It is fun to see his personality developing.


Anonymous said...

missy, your girls really were supposed to be mine. But would just make a mess of them so they came to you with my qualities- see #3.

Thelissa said...

She is pretty cute alright. Lacking hair though.:) Watch she will be one of these girls who grow up to have a full beautiful head of flowing, thick, luxurious hair. Happy Birthday to her!

amberjill said...

Finally, I can say Happy Birthday to Suzie! I've tried all month long. Trae also enjoys the wonderful snacks he finds when I am sweeping! He still does that, but now that he is taller, he also gets the leftovers from his high-chair. You know, the ones stuck in the cracks. Delish!!

Julie said...

Her little wave is Awesome. Happy Birthday Suzie. I don't even let the kids near the sweeping pile. Who are you!!! You had me laughing out loud and that wasn't good cuz I was sneak blogging. UGH

Kamille said...

Kari - Thanks for showing me how much you enjoy your children. It helps me enjoy mine. What a sweetheart. I think the fourth is God's gift for having the courage to do it again.

Natalie said...

I know where Suzie gets the food thing from... If you'll recall our skiing adventure and you with the granola bar stuffed into your mouth like a squirrel.....She is her mother's child.

Allison said...

Happy Birthday to Suzie! I too love her bald head and love to watch her eat. She is really impressive with the way she can pack it in! I have noticed that I have been letting Jacob eat cereal off the floor--haven't gotten as far as the dustpan, but just give me a few more years and a few more kids.

JayKo said...

I laughed out loud when I read this blog, and I don't just do that! I love watching Suzie inhale her food! I am very much looking forward to the day that you post the "Stink Face," picture!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Suzie!
I hope you always keep your beautiful smile as you get older.

Kevin Pratt said...

She is so darling. I really can't believe it has been a year! I loved the story about her eating off the floor. I am so far removed from that stuff. The other day my clean-freak friend came over to my house for the first time with her 1 year old. She always had something in her mouth (old stale food)that she dug out from under my couch. I am not sure if that friend will return!

Liz said...

She is so adorable! And just what do you do to get a 12 1/2 hour sleep through the night? You must be a talented mama!

Kelly said...

It sounds like our 1 year olds are kindred spirits with the 12 hour nights and bottom feeding our kitchen floors. Add dog food to that mix, and you just can't top it! She is darling and I love learning about your family through your blog! I missed it last week!

Tamra said...

Oh, how sweet. I love your blog and I want your baby (not that I am an crazy, stocker).