Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Making of a Big Sister

This post is going to be very therapeutic for me to write about because I have a very serious condition referred to as "Second Child Syndrome." I am the second child and even more scarring than that- I am the second daughter and my older sister was not what you would call the nurturing, "take you under my wing" kind of big sister. She was the lock you in the bathroom and laugh about it kind of big sister. Or put your gerbil in that little ball and roll it down the stairs just to watch your reaction and laugh about it kind of sister. Or sit on the couch and order you around and laugh about it kind of sister. The following is an actual limerick I wrote in 5th grade that my family still quotes to this day:

I think my sister is crazy.

I think my sister is lazy.

She sits on the couch,

And acts like a grouch.

I think my sister is crazy and lazy!

(Insert illustration of the back of a couch with a conversation bubble above it saying, "Kari, go get me a glass of water." implying my sister is laying on the couch as she orders me around.)

I should mention here that now my older sister, Michelle,is one of my best friends and favorite people to be around. I couldn't imagine life without her, but when we were growing up I was Tom to her Jerry. So being exposed to such behavior, I became an expert at spotting big sister manipulation.

Fast forward 25 years to my own oldest daughter, Annie and her younger sister, Katie. Annie's best friend is Lauren who we use to live next door to. Their family is often so kind and generous to let Katie come over and play too when Annie goes there. But sometimes Annie wants to have some alone time with Lauren and I can respect that. Unfortunately Katie cannot. She usually throws a fit if she knows Annie is going to Lauren's without her. So the other day Annie got a ride home from school with Lauren. She came in smiling and said she had to whisper something in my ear. I leaned down and she asked if she could go over to Lauren's. I nodded and she started for the door. Katie had witnessed this exchange and said, "I want to know the secret too." Without batting an eye Annie went over, whispered something in her ear and then bounded out the door. I was very interested to know what Annie had said to Katie that had allowed her to leave so freely without any more questioning by Katie. But I didn't have to wait long because Katie immediately came skipping over and while giggling said, "I'm the best sister ever."

Well played Annie, well played. Are you sure you're not Michelle's daughter?


amberjill said...

that was cute! i wouldn't consider that manipulation, that's totally legal in all 50 states!

Anonymous said...

I. BEG. YOUR. PARDON. (and p.s. Annie "Well done")

Julie said...

1st of all...."Tom and Jerry were best friends. What show were you watching??" Second...I would put Annie's maturity and sly skill at age 8 way above Michelle's at her age now!! Love you Michelle!!

Sestra Robbins said...

Oh how I look forward to your posts and getting inside your brain. I'm glad you got that off your chest.. "the guilty taketh the truth to be hard." Just happy your relationship has survived so beautifully!

Monica said...

Kari,great post. I loved both stories of past and present experiences. Very funny and your kids sound so cute. It is very clever thinking on Annie's part so she could enjoy some friend time alone.

Paul said...

That is a smart girl! She has learned some smooth tactics. Yes, "well played" indeed!


Natalie said...

Annie 1
Katie 0

Natalie said...

Michelle 2
Kari 0
Natalie 0

Liz said...

Way to go!!! I am so going to teach my oldest daughter that trick.

kjirsten said...

I love it! What a smart girl that Annie is. This was such a cute post! Made me smile!

Amber said...

That Annie has it ALL figured out! Thank goodness for sisters :)

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

That is one smart girl. She's def. yours. You're so smart. . .

Tamra said...

Smart girl! That is very good.

Julie said...

Holly cow! Anie is learning the smooth tricks. Oh by the way this is Jaxynn. You are awesome with posts.