Friday, June 27, 2008

Lunch, anyone?

This story really isn't mine to tell, but it is such my humor that I couldn't help but share it. Plus the family whose story it is doesn't have a blog so it is up to me to share it with the blogging universe!
My sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Becca and Curtis, bought a cow. No, they don't live on a farm or plan on starting one. They are going to have it slaughtered in the fall and have it made into all kinds of tasty things like roasts, steaks, stew meat, ground beef, etc... But for now it is alive and kicking and getting all meaty in a field close to their house. They have 3 kids and will sometimes take them over to feed grass to their cow. The kids like doing this, but Becca and Curtis didn't want their kids to think the cow was a pet or get attached to it, so they named it "Lunch." So come next winter when they are enjoying a juicy roast and they kids ask about ""Lunch", they can say, "You're eating lunch." And it will all make sense. Now that's good thinking and good eating, Becca and Curtis!


Anonymous said...

I heard the story from you and laughed hard. I made you tell the story to Missy in front of me so I could laugh hard again. I told the story to mom and laughed hard yet again. Then I read the story and guess what... I still laugh out loud even when I know how it ends. SOOOOOOOOO my humor:)

amberjill said...

that is so funny! tell becca to stop being lazy and get a blog!! GOSH!! :) Not as funny of a story, but Walter's dad has a way ugly cat. They named it PU which stand for pretty ugly! Just like the cow, poor cat didn't stand a chance!!

Jennifer Never said...

"Lunch...It's what's for dinner."

Thelissa said...

Our bishops wife talks about doing that. And I ask myself... How much exactly does a whole cow cost? I mean, it must be worth the cost of the cow, the feed until fall and the slaughtering? Right? I'd be curious to know...

Kamille said...

Ha ha ha!! I love that. Thanks for relaying it. I loved the scene in phenomenon too. Good choice.