I love comments on my blog just as much as the next blogger. I get excited when I see the comment number climb. I think we all do. Originally I didn't allow anonymous comments on my blog, but my mom kept saying, "I would like to leave a comment, but you don't allow anonymous comments on your blog." I told her how easy it was to create a blogger account but she didn't want to do that because then she would have to remember a password and right now her life is so busy she can't even remember that she has washed the same dish 4 times- a little trick my sister and I played on her at Sunday dinner. She is a bit of an energizer bunny when it comes to cleaning and she swoops through her house like a "place for everything, everything in its place" tornado- a quality I try to emulate, but often fall short. Anyway we were all doing the dishes after Sunday night dinner and my mom was in true form.
-yellow, rubber gloves on- check
-sink full of hot, soapy water- check
- towels for drying- check
-dishes cleared off ready to be washed- check
Off she goes. One of the first things she washed was a spatula with a yellow star on it. My sister was drying it and thought it would be funny to throw it back in the wash water and see how many times we could get my mom to wash it before she noticed. Here were our covert operation plans to distract mother bird: Michelle would hand the spatula to me and then ask mom where another dish went that we had washed- ahhh-the diversion technique. Then I would throw the spatula back in the water while mother bird was happily pointing out where another dish was housed, being so proud that her daughters were willing to help with the dishes to the bitter end. Operation Clean Spatula worked four times! On the fourth time she finally said, "How many times have I washed this?" We burst out laughing and told her what we had been doing. Luckily she was a good sport and thought it was funny too. The point of that story was to show how right now she can't keep much in her short term memory- especially a password for a blogger account. (In her defense she is planning a wedding and preparing to serve a mission.) Now let me try and link that back to the original reason I started writing this post. SO I allowed anonymous comments on my blog for my mother's benefit. But she rarely does because of the above stated reasons. But someone else does leave anonymous comments without telling me who he or she is. The person or persons seem to know me because they usually put my name in the comment. But I'm not sure. So come clean anonymous comment leaver! Or I may have to take away your privileges! But I do appreciate that you read my blog. I just would like to know who you are!
2 weeks ago
Your anonymous commenter is obviusly male. What woman would write, "I am not interested in having any more kids, but I do like the thought of always trying"?!?! Maybe it's a previous boyfriend!! Garrett, is that you??
Crap! I've had to delete the last 2 posts because they have typos in them. This is what I meant to say...
Ask Amy, I am a blogaholic! She linked to your post from her blog. I've spent the last 20 minutes reading your blog. I find it very interesting and pretty dang funny. By the way, I'm Amy's cousin Wayne. I don't think we've ever met but we may have briefly. Anyway, keep up the good work! I'm identifying myself because I don't want to incure your wrath as an anonymous poster!
Lets see if I can leave a comment...
was as funny today as it was yesterday!!! Someday I will find my mind.
love ya
Mama Missy
I think you met my cousin Wayne at my wedding reception in Salt Lake City, but I'm sure you probably don't remember. In fact now that I think about it, I don't even know most of the people who came to that reception!!
Kari, Why are you threatening me? If you take away my privileges then you will miss my comments. I know you don’t want that. Please tell your friend Amy not to assume gender. Women have desires too! And please to not characterize your mother as some type of airhead, I am sure she is very competent. I love your blog.
I had to go back and read the anonymous comment. Quite intreging (I know thats spelled wrong, but I dont know how to spell it. I know YOU"RE a natzi about that stuff.
Seriously- anonymous- who are you? Oh and Julie- its "intriguing" and "nazi" :)I love you!
Hint, Its not me!
Missy, you'll just have to practice your mothering skills and follow through with your promise. Besides whoever it is is freaking me out a tiny little bit
Anonymous, admit you're a man. A woman would identify herself instead hiding behind the title "Anonymous." Men truly are the weaker sex...
I bet anonymous knows your mom for sure!! There is someone in Denver, CO that views our blogs like twice a day and I'm about ready to call whoever that is out too!! It is disturbing. I am imagining some psycho voice when I read the anonymous comment. Like Dr. Lector. Yikes!!
Kari, please don’t listen to the Wood family and cut me off. And why would they be freaking out anyway? It’s not their blog. Jenny, I’m not a psycho. I don’t see anything wrong with reading and commenting on a very wholesome and uplifting blog. To be called a psycho or some freak is hurtful. Amy, ok, I am of the masculine persuasion, but your assessment of being the weaker sex is debatable. Though I can appreciate why you may feel that way. Kari, I’m begging you to reach into your heart for compassion before you come to any harsh decisions. Please don’t pull the plug on me.
I bet it's Eric...
Anonymous, I don't think it's debatable. Anyone who says "there is nothing wrong with men opting out of changing diapers, feminism was a bad idea then and a bad practice now" is clearly of the weaker sex! And you're obviously threatened by strong women. But I don't think you're a psycho, as referred to by some people. Just a wimp...
Anonymous - Trust me. Amy will keep hounding you until you give up. There is only one way that you can win this and that is to identify yourself. Besides, the comments are funnier if you know who is saying them.
I didn’t say I haven’t changed diapers, I said there is nothing wrong with opting out of the duty. Amy, have you ever opted out of changing the oil, mowing the lawn, gutting a deer, changing a tire, unplugging the sink or toilet, disciplining a child, stitch your own arm after a knife fight, shaving your head on a dare, or turning away a Jehovah Witness at the door? If yes to any, then you know what I mean. Listen, I love strong women. In fact, there is nothing more pathetic than women who let others walk all over them. I am not threaten by them, I admire them. And my hat goes off to you. Kari, I am more partial to Chili’s. Sorry to cause a disturbance.
Anonymous, as a single mom, I don't get to opt out of anything. Believe me I get all the "fun" of unclogging toilets, getting the oil changed, disciplining AND doing all the laundry, making all the dinners, etc.
Tell me this... Do you actually know Kari, or are you truly anonymous??
your comments page is more likea chat-room! ha ha!!!
Tell your mom hello for me. She is so cute.
Gotta love those anonymous comments...see why I decided to go private? I got a threatening comment once and decided it was time.
You can add a site meter to your blog and find out the city and state of everyone who checks out your blog. Let me know if you need help with this.
Anonymous...You are psycho. "Stitching up your own arm after a knife fight?" What the crap?? Only a psycho would come up with that. Or someone with no insurance. Or someone really tough!!! Or a psycho.
I am a friend of a friend and heard about your anonymous commenter. Knowing I would show up on seeker, I just wanted you to know I am NOT anonymous! With such a dilemma as this, the first person I would seek advise from would be my Husband.
I love the story about the spatula!!
oh...and I wanted to tell you that I love your playlist!!
Wow, quite the mystery going on here. Since someone was calling our your Denver, CO viewers we just thought we'd clear our name - while we are big fans of your blog, we are not your anonymous commentor :-)
27 comments- DANG! I'm so jealous. What a fun post! All you people crack me up! LOVE your blog, Kari!
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