On Sundays I try to not let my kids watch TV. I do this because I like Sunday to have a different feel than any other day during the week. I'm not a sabbath-day nazi or anything- but I just like a day without having the noise and distraction of TV. Consequently Sundays are the days my kids are the most creative. They make forts or pull each other around on blankets all over our wood floor or play board games. This past Sunday I was downstairs wrapping a present for a family birthday party when Annie came down and said, "We are playing hide n' seek and Finn wants you to come find him." So after I finished the present I went upstairs. I immediately noticed that all the appliances and bread were taken out of my "appliance hutch" or "bread box." In case you don't know what that is- here is a picture of it on my counter.
I wondered why everything was taken out, so I opened it to find this:

Yes, that is my 80 lb ,nearing 5'2" son scrunched inside the bread box with his church clothes still on. I asked him what made him decide to get inside it. He said he was getting out some bread to make a sandwich and got curious about what was inside so he pulled it all out. Then when he saw it empty he wondered if he could fit inside. And low and behold he could. Finn has a very sublime goal of not sleeping in his bed the whole summer. So far he has slept on the floor, on the couch, in the guest bed, outside in our playhouse and at his cousin's house. I told him if he runs out of places to sleep, now the bread box can be a choice. Or maybe we can use it as a form of punishment like the "chokey" in Matilda. Either way once my other kids saw Finn do this, they all wanted a turn getting in the bread box.

I even gave it a try, but because I have the flexibility of a tree branch I couldn't quite get my legs in with my body. Finn took a picture but because of the angle he took it from it looks a little like I'm giving birth so I decided against sharing it with everyone.
But oh the joys of Sunday afternoons. Maybe next week we'll see if we can fit in the dryer!
Ahhh, Kari! You can always put a smile on my face. Your Matilda comparison tickled my funny bone for some reason. Miss you!
That is sooooooooo funny!
Holy Crap you make me laugh!
I totally remember doing stuff like that when I was little. In fact Emily L and I tried to fit ourselves in the kitchen pantry upstairs at Mom and Dad's house, and we did it! So funny. I really wish you would post the picture of you trying to get in. Next time I come over, I'm giving it a try.
this story is even funnier with the pictures. I really wished you would have put your picture in:) I just saw Matilda about a week ago so I laughed out loud when I read the "chokey" part!!
hahaha all these requests for the picture! I dare you to post it! It can't be much worse than your 15 yr old camp pic! :) BTW, nothing is wrong with that picture...it's awesome! at least email it to these inquiring minds...me included!! :)
Sundays don't look boring to me!!!
That's a picture I'm not sure I would want to see! You and your family are delightful.
Whoa, that's a big loaf of bread in there? However did Finn come up with the idea of doing that?!?!
I think it's so cute that your kids are so creative - What a fun day!
Too dang funny
i should say that hiding in the bread box would liven up any Sunday. Wish you would have put your picture in as well.
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