Monday, July 26, 2010

Can I get a Witness?

I have heard it said that what most of us need and want from life is a witness. Someone who we can tell our "stories" to right after they happen. Someone who we can nudge when we see something cool. Someone we can call when we think, "Have a thought, must share." I am very fortunate to have several of these witnesses in my life, and I am grateful for each of them. But one of my main "witnesses" is my older sister, Michelle. And since it is her birthday today I thought it only appropriate that I express how grateful I am that she is my witness.

Michelle and I are two years apart and some people think I am older and some people think she is my mother. (Note: If you don't want to be on Michelle's "list" don't ever ask if either of her younger sisters are her daughters.) And more often then not people are very surprised when they find out we are sisters. We don't look anything alike and our personalities and interests are quite different. Some of the things we do share are the same heritage, similar sense of humor, mannerisms and stage of life. It is the perfect combination to make our relationship work so well. Our differences allow us to strengthen each other and learn from each other and our similarities allow us to relate to and appreciate each other. Michelle is one of my very favorite people to tell a story to. Because our humor is so much the same, I know she will laugh the hardest when I have a funny story to tell. She always has as what we call "the script." She knows what to say to make me feel better or to validate my feelings. I don't think there is a detail about my life she doesn't know and vice versa. And because we are so close, some of our different interests and talents have become the other one's talents and interests just because we are willing to try them because the other one does them.
When we were growing up we weren't all that close. I was the annoying little sister who always wanted to tag along with her and her friends and she was the bossy older sister who never let me borrow her clothes. She may still have the physical scars of my fingernails on her back and I'm pretty sure I still have the emotional scars from being locked in the bathroom multiple times even though I was assured by her everytime that she wouldn't lock me in this time. (Have I mentioned before that I was a gullible kid? and Michelle took full advantage of this!) I'm sure my mother worried about us growing up but we have grown to be each other's biggest supporter and defender.
One of the things I admire the most about Michelle is she knows who she is. She doesn't downplay her strengths and she doesn't make any excuses for her weaknesses. She is who she is and you can take her or leave her. I prefer to take her because I think she is a wonderful sister and person. She is extremely loyal to those she loves and would do anything for them (as long as it doesn't fall between 9:00 and 11:30 am when she is at the gym everyday !:) See the great thing about our relationship is I can tease her like that and she knows I do it in love and fun. It is part of our charm, so we think! So Happy Birthday Missy! Thank you for being my greatest cheerleader and witness. I love you!


Natalie said...

Couple of things:
1. When I started reading the first paragraph of this post, I seriously thought, "Oh she is so going to mention me...". Notsofastthere unbirthday Missy. Then I realized...and fully understand why you didn't mention me.
2. I fully agree with this post and support it 100%. We are indeed lucky to have such a "wonderful" sister/mother. Happy birthday Missy!
3. I think we are on the same posting schedule.

love you

Kelly said...

Aren't big sisters the best? Your relationship with her sounds a lot like mine. And that first picture definitely resembles some of our pics during that time period. Happy birthday Michelle!

Stephanie said...

Yay! Love you both.

Sestra Robbins said...

I prefer to take her too! You made a mother cry.

Lori said...

I love your sister too and I am very lucky to have both of you as my friends.

Julie said...

You speak Chinese?

Michelle Rocks my socks...I just wish she was my sister. I love that last pic of you two in the lawn chairs...for some reason it speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

awwwwww! That is a REAL nice post. I just feel bad I didn't see it for a week:( Right back at ya! I have such wonderful a daughter/sister/mother in you! LYLAS:)!!!
p.s. who is box commenter above? mystery comment

Paris Lover said...

You are blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with your sister. She sounds wonderful, just like you! Is she the sister with the 6 boys?

Liz said...

Loved it! Sisters are awesome, just wish mine lived closer!

Anonymous said...
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