Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ahh... School pictures

This week in honor of having school pictures taken, I am going to share some of my own classic school pictures.

This is first picture was taken in 4th grade. What is so great is I think it was the first time my mom let me do my own hair for my pictures. "Feathering" was all the rage back in 1983. I'm not sure if I didn't use enough hairspray on the right side of my hair or if I played dodgeball extra hard during recess, but somehow only one side of my hair stayed "feathered." Which I was probably mad about when I got my school pictures back, but now I think it tells a story about what I was like when I was that age. I'm glad my mom didn't insist on me getting a retake so my hair could look perfect. That wouldn't be near as interesting. And speaking of retakes, this is another one of my favorite school pictures.This was a year later, in 5th grade. Apparently I got the feathered look down, but not the keeping my eyes open look-because this was a retake. And even though this was my second and last attempt at a good 5th grade picture, I'm once again glad that my mom didn't destroy the picture because it wasn't perfect. Something I just noticed about these pictures is that in both of them I am wearing a button-down shirt with a sweater. I was living in Georgia during this time and I assume they took pictures in the fall back then like they do now. I can imagine I was hotter than hades in my sweater and button-down shirt in the southern heat and humidity. No wonder one side of my hair fell flat!
Needless to say, I have carried on the tradition of not requiring that pictures of my kids look perfect. I absolutely adore pictures of screaming kids on Santa's lap. Not that I enjoy making my kids scream, but what I like is that it accurately reflects the experience they had at that age. Last year I was out of town when my kids had school pictures taken. Before I even saw them, I decided I would keep them no matter what they looked like. I was very interested to see how they would look when their dad got them ready for school and especially on school picture day. And I was pleasantly surprised:

Sure they don't have bows, braids or curls in their hair and it looks like Katie and Annie have some static-y hair goin' on and could have used a quick comb-through but for the most part they look pretty good. I mean this is a more accurate reflection of what they look like day in and day out at school than any other school picture. Now don't get me wrong I did plenty to get them picture ready this year- Finn got a haircut the day before, I blew dry Annie's hair and Katie got braids but I think we should say no to retakes and let our kids' childhood shine through. I mean what says childhood more than big glasses, big-gaped teeth, half down hair and half open eyes!

P.S.- I got a little BYU/Utah rivalry experiment going on in my house right now. I'll let you in on the joke as soon as the intended targets figure it out!


Thelissa said...

Laughing out loud. Oh mercy! Bless your heart for posting those. I may giggle all night. I second your motion though to no retakes on our kids. Let the real them shine through!

Liz said...

I think I had that same purple sweater with the hearts...classic!

Stacey said...

So hilarious! Oh, how I remember the skill required to get the perfect feather-look.

kjirsten said...

I second your motion!! I love the idea of letting them be "them" in their pictures. Those are the ones that we will all love the best when we're older. Quinn's mom has her favorite school pictures of her kids up -- and I think Q has a black eye, Katie has a scratch on her chin or something, and Kelly is missing both front teeth. Just "real" kid pictures -- not perfect, but the best!

Natalie said...

Ahh shewt girl, you perty.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see your pictures next to Jessica's pictures... "you're pretty too!"

Michael said...

Hasn't my big-glasses, gaped teeth, half down hair,half opened eye girl turned out wonderful and lots of fun?!?

Susan C. said...

Your 4th grade pictures looks just like Annie and the other looks just like Suzy. No question who their mom is.